Drag Race Stars inspire Marvel’s new mutant drag queen named Shade

Oh, what a time to be a gay nerd!

C-list mutant Iceman made headlines back in 2015 when his X-Men character came out of the closet during Pride Month, only to have his first comic book gay kiss in 2017. Iceman subsequently received his own spinoff series, written by out comics creator, Sina Grace.

Tucked inside the most recent edition of Iceman, a towering drag queen mutant named Shade has just made her brief but memorable debut. The snatched-AF emcee queen apparently will have the power of teleportation, using her gigantic thwooorping fan, according to Grace.

Twitter user @lgbtvelour snapped an Instagram post, where Grace confirms the visual references for the iconic new character.

“Shea, Monet, Vixen, and Dax are my inspirations for the character of Shade,” he said in an Instagram comment. As an Atlanta native, I can clearly see the Dax inspiration — the thigh high boots, the perfectly set green wig, chunky earrings, and never without her fan.

The character of Shade follows in the footsteps of several recent drag friendly superhero cartoons like Super Drags on Netflix and Drag Tots on WOW Presents. Speaking to The Advocate, Grace said, ““There’s a million different queer perspectives and we’re only scratching the surface.”

Now please, please give us a Shade spinoff series!


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