LOUDSPEAKER:: 2 Poems by Taylor Portela

WUSSY is proud to present poetry by Taylor Portela
If you would like to send in a writing submission, please contact 
Nicholas Goodly

tricking a drag audience with a poem

The background music throbs the plank platform stupid.
I’m all lips against wood as I tumble over hard copied lines

to scour a stanza to break my fall. The crowd’s jaws bust in two;
I crash and I boon. My body collapses the distance

between page and stage when I offer myself up for reads
as my third leg helicopters fresh applause,

for eyes transfixed on my hungry diction,
transparent in desired reaction.

I feed his eyes my worth & he feeds my mouth his tip.

Virginia is for lovers

Blood blots my underwear like clockwork. 
The nurse guesses anxiety, latent Chlamydia, 
even Covid
. Winks you still have needs, sweetie, have more sex
On her script pad she draws the tight dial of butthole, 
with curds near midnight, says lay back down & I’ll touch so you can visualize it 
& I thank her. But we both can see how my pink contracts & folds out of itself 
spurting red, why a bottom needs a pair of expert eyes to almanac their risk. 
I tick & can’t stop ticking. Not in the office
not on my walk home meant to ease the mind that harms 
my body that crackles a pop 
 pop pop tensing passed tender limb
into strained line item for post-bottom
post-Grindr potable charcuterie. 
I’m still available for takeout or delivery. 
You can still eat me. 
This sunburn tracing ‘round a racerback crop top & hot pants, 
red. I’m a Main Street feast. Even my in-transit doom scroll predicts 
me, advertises isolation, sitz baths, pup tails, & I choose a large red one 
to prove how much I can handle.
 How much red I can loose. 

Taylor Portela is a non-binary poet, drag artist, and MFA candidate in Creative Writing at Virginia Tech. Their work has appeared in Hawai'i Review, Juked, and New South. They can be found on Instagram @LavenderScare16.


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